Brett is inspired by the neon dreamscapes of Kenneth Angers films, the ugly nasties that haunt Chas Addams dreams, and the low brow brilliance of velvet paintings. He favors a splash of trash (think John Waters and Clovis Trouille) with a Warhol color scheme and a little Dadaist ambiguity. Brett’s extensive knowledge in almost everything esoteric and arcane allows him to bring a truly unique and exciting perspective to any project he works on. Imagine if Elvira and Dali had a baby named Pee-Wee, raised him on a steady diet of Weird Tales, B-horror movies, ancient manuscripts, and you’d almost have yourself a Brett. He is inspired by his cinematic dreams, wide open spaces, and the world felt but unseen.

Brett Lyn Rasmussen is a Painter and illustrator based out of Hartford, Connecticut. If you have a project in mind please contact him here